請幫我翻譯~~不要翻譯機~謝謝>"< Please translate this for me - no software translator please... 1. 價格大約是500元左右,要看你的信/包裹的重量,我們是以重量計費 The cost is about NT$500 depending on the weight of what you are sending. We charge by weight. 2.這個重量超重了不能寄 We are unable to ship over weight package (or item). 這個東西規定不能寄 You may not ship this kind of things. 3. 裡面裝的是什麼東西? What is the contents of the package? 4.超重了,不能用這個方式寄,只能改用包裹交寄,可以嗎? It is overweight and cannot be shipped that way. Can you use parcel delivery services? 5.最便宜的是以平信交寄,但是不能追蹤信件, The cheapest is the first class mail but without tracking. 掛號稍微貴一點但是有編號可以查詢信件流向, Registered mail is a little more expensive but does allow you to track. 如果怕寄丟了建議寄掛號,看你的需求 We recommend that registered mail be used if you fear it might be lost. Nonetheless, it all depends on what you need. 2015-04-10 00:03:21 補充: 好吧!Maka說得比較對吧! 2015-04-13 03:01:58 補充: 別難過.被我打敗的 人 不是人 女生 男生 畜生 動物 植物 到處都是. 像妳醬自願的 也是多的啦!